Monday, October 22, 2012

Effects of Brand Image on Purchases

        Brand image plays a vital role in the mind of consumers when deciding what products to purchase. Consumers do not purchase products that they presume to have a bad image is the easiest way to explain it. There are many reason why consumers avoid products with bad brand images.
        Brand image effects customer's decisions on a daily basis. Brand image is the way a brand is percieved in the mind of a consumer. Brand image is based mainly on previous experiences with products. Bad experiences create bad brand images. When deciding on which product to purchase, every person would choose a product that they trust over a product that has not lived up to their standards. This is the basis of how consumers are swayed by brand image. The exceptions to the brand image rule are products that are seen as needs. An excellent example of this type of product is gas. No matter how bad the brand image might be, people will continue to purchase gas. Brand image can make or break a company.

        Brand image is a very important aspect to companies. Many times it can be the determining factor for consumers when deciding on which products to purchase. Improving brand image is an excellent way for companies to improve success.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Brand Loyalty

Building brand image is one of the most important task of a company. Consumers are always looking for new brands that fulfill their needs and with which they can connect. The most important aspect of brand image is brand loyalty.

Brand loyalty is the likelihood that a consumer will purchase a particular brand because of a relation to the brand. Although many factors go into a positive brand image, brand loyalty the part of brand image that is most vital. Brand loyalty is comprised of two concepts. Brand trust and brand affect are the two aspects of brand loyalty. Brand trust is the feeling that a product will fulfill its designed purpose on each use. Brand trust is hard to build but easy to lose. Generally, products have to work on multiple occasions before people feel that it is a trusted product. But if a product fails once, it may not be given another chance. Since people are prone to familiarity, once trust is built they are unlikely to change. Companies thrive on repeat customer, so they focus extensive time trying to build trust. The second aspect of brand loyalty is brand affect. Brand affect is the feeling associated with the use of a brand. Affect can be positive or negative depending on the situation. A negative experience with a particular brand will evoke negative feeling towards the product and the brand. Positive experiences create positive affects. Brand affect and brand trust build brand loyalty by creating positive experiences for consumers.

            Companies focus a lot of their energy to build brand loyalty because of its importance. Brand loyalty really associates consumers with brands on a much more personal level than other aspects of brand image. Brand image is tremendously dependent on brand loyalty.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Brand Recogntion



         When people say brand, what companies come to mind. The companies that immediatley rush to mind have great brand recognition. Many companies work hard to have exceptional brand recognition. Brand recognition is great, but how is brand recognition built?
        Brand recognitions is built through many different ways. The most powerful way to build recognition is through advertising. Companies use many types of advertising from commercials to emails to familiarize consumers with their brand and their products. Brand recognition is important because consumers do not use products that are unfamilliar to them. Costumers are much more likely to ignore products that they do not recognize. Consumers pass products in stores without ever noticing them. If a customer does recognize a new product, they tend to feel uncomfortable due to the uncertainty. The uncomfortableness keeps most people from purchasing the unfamiliar product. Many companies try to overcome consumer uncertainty by allowing customers to sample products. Trial versions and money back gaurantees are built on the principle of reducing the risk consumers feel about using new products. Along with reducing risk, allowing customers to sample a product increases recognition. Coca-Cola and Nike are two companies that have perfected brand recognition. They are known worldwide, and they benefit greatly from a high brand recognition. 
        Brand recognition is an excellent quaility for all companies. It is especially important for new companies with very little publicity. Brand recognition can be formed using many different techniques. Consumers are comfortable with familiar brands, so developing brand recognition is a key for success.

Positive Vs. Negative Brand Image


          How is a company effected by brand image? Whether good or bad, does brand image really impact a company? Brand image absolutely impacts a company. Brand image is one of the most important parts of running a successful business. A positive brand image helps companies reach new heights, while a negative brand image hinders companies from being at their best.
         Whether helped by a positive image or hindered by a negative brand image, companies should strive to improve brand image at all times. Many companies understand the power of brand image and work hard to portray a positive image. Some companies that standout as brand image innovators are Coca-Cola, Zappos, and Southwest Airlines. All three companies continue to build new and loyal customers through brand image. Coca-Cola builds brand image mainly through advertising with slogans like " Open Happiness." Coca-Cola associates themselves with having a good time. Zappos and Southwest Airlines take a different approach from Coca-Cola. Zappos and Southwest create a positive image through excellent customer service. Both approaches have been very effective for their companies. Other companies have been hurt by thier negative image. Toys R Us and Walmart are examples of companies with negative images. Both companies struggle with customer service. Consumers feel mistreated and ignored by these companies. Although Walmart and Toys R Us are not struggling to bring in reveneu, a positive image could really help increase sales.
        Some companies are good at creating a positive image. Some companies struggle with creating a positive image. There are different ways to build a favorable image. All companies should focus on brand image because a positive image can propel a company, while a negative image can plummet a company.