Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Brand Loyalty

Building brand image is one of the most important task of a company. Consumers are always looking for new brands that fulfill their needs and with which they can connect. The most important aspect of brand image is brand loyalty.

Brand loyalty is the likelihood that a consumer will purchase a particular brand because of a relation to the brand. Although many factors go into a positive brand image, brand loyalty the part of brand image that is most vital. Brand loyalty is comprised of two concepts. Brand trust and brand affect are the two aspects of brand loyalty. Brand trust is the feeling that a product will fulfill its designed purpose on each use. Brand trust is hard to build but easy to lose. Generally, products have to work on multiple occasions before people feel that it is a trusted product. But if a product fails once, it may not be given another chance. Since people are prone to familiarity, once trust is built they are unlikely to change. Companies thrive on repeat customer, so they focus extensive time trying to build trust. The second aspect of brand loyalty is brand affect. Brand affect is the feeling associated with the use of a brand. Affect can be positive or negative depending on the situation. A negative experience with a particular brand will evoke negative feeling towards the product and the brand. Positive experiences create positive affects. Brand affect and brand trust build brand loyalty by creating positive experiences for consumers.

            Companies focus a lot of their energy to build brand loyalty because of its importance. Brand loyalty really associates consumers with brands on a much more personal level than other aspects of brand image. Brand image is tremendously dependent on brand loyalty.

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